Access Keys:

Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Nurture Units, Ballymena, Co Antrim

P4 Taking Notice

24th Jan 2023

At Harryville, we are a Take5 school. We are proud of this approach to help support the children's wellbeing. 

The Take5 Approach, encourages the children to: 

  • Keep learning - don’t be afraid to try something new, rediscover an old hobby or sign up for a course.

  • Give - do something nice for a friend or stranger, thank someone, smile, volunteer your time or consider joining a community group.

  • Connect - with the people around you, with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

  • Be Active - even a short ten minute walk can improve mental alertness and wellbeing.

  • Take Notice - of the things around you. Pay attention to the beauty of nature and reflect on your experiences.

    Lately, our P4's have been working on the aspect of taking notice of the environment around them and reflecting on the experiences they've had.