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Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Nurture Units, Ballymena, Co Antrim


Thank you for visiting our website and for considering Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Specialist Units as a suitable choice for your child throughout their school years. We are a busy community school that sits right in the heart of Harryville, a wonderful place to be!

We hope you will find it both interesting and informative, that it will give you an insight into life at our unique school and keep you up to date with all that is taking place.

At Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Specialist Units we aim to provide a welcoming, secure, happy and caring environment, in which learning can flourish regardless of ability.

The dedicated and caring teaching and non-teaching staff work hard both inside and outside of school through curricular and extra-curricular activities to provide a wide range of experiences and opportunities for pupils to fulfil their potential and become valued, confident members of our community.

Lesley Meikle


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26th Jul 2024
It’s always a sad day when we have to say goodbye to our Primary 7s! We wish...
26th Jul 2024
Well Done to all our prize winners at the end of school year. 👏 Keep up the good...
26th Jul 2024
We sadly said goodbye to Mrs Meikle in June, Mrs Meikle has been in Harryville a...

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