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Harryville Primary School, Nursery and Nurture Units, Ballymena, Co Antrim


Thank you for visiting Harryville Primary School’s website. We are very proud of our school and its excellent reputation. We are an innovative school which always strives to continually improve.

​Harryville Primary School has a passionate and dedicated staff. We strive daily to create a happy and caring school community where everyone loves to learn and is enabled to reach their full potential. We seek to provide an exciting and stimulating learning experience for all our children.

We are a Nurturing School and seek to care for the academic, physical, emotional, spiritual and social needs of all of our children. A genuine and caring environment infuses the school atmosphere and is evident everywhere - within each classroom, the assembly hall, the dining room and the playground.

​Our three Specialist Units add such an additional warmth to our school family. We actively promote an inclusive climate where all pupils are valued and are given the opportunity to develop academically and socially. 

​We focus on the positive aspects of work, attitude and behaviour. We promote Christian values and are open and welcoming to all children from any religious or ethnic background.

​Children coming into the school bring a wealth of knowledge and understanding about the world around them. It is our aim to build on this and promote a willingness and enthusiasm to learn more. We recognise that each child is different. We love to celebrate success no matter how small or large. The school is brightly decorated with a clear emphasis on displaying children’s work and on celebrating their successes and achievements.

​Harryville Primary School offers so much more than the traditional primary school curriculum, but don’t just take my word for it. Come and experience for yourself the unique and nurturing ethos that permeates the life and soul of our school.

Neil McCullough


Latest News

16th Oct 2024
We have been learning about the Marble Arch Caves. Yesterday we tried to create our...
16th Oct 2024
Today p4 received their new bibles that will travel with them throughout their time...

Latest Photographs


Upcoming Events...

Friday, 25th October 2024
Staff Training Day (School CLOSED for ALL pupils)
Monday, 28th October 2024
Half Term Holidays (No School for ALL pupils )
Tuesday, 29th October 2024
Half Term Holidays (No School for ALL pupils )
Wednesday, 30th October 2024
Half Term Holidays (No School for ALL pupils )
Thursday, 31st October 2024
Half Term Holidays (No School for ALL pupils )
Friday, 1st November 2024
Half Term Holidays (No School for ALL pupils )
Monday, 4th November 2024
Back to school (School starts at 8:40am)